This bean comes all the way from our friends at the Palmichal Mill in the heart of Costa Rica. This mill has given an opportunity to nearby farmers to be able to harvest and process their coffee with ease and receive premium pricing for their crop. Having the ability to pay farmers more than the standard around town has given the Palmichal Mill access to some of the region’s finest coffees.
We see a decent amount of fertile coffee growing land being bought up and used for other types of businesses. Palmichal Mill is committed to standing strong and continuing to be a resource to those farmers around the region. Given their small scale, they have been able to connect specialty farmers and roasters like us to create an easily traceable line of product movement while using 23+ solar panels, they strive to be earth conscious and ethically sound in all their processes.
In the midst of the bright summer heat, amidst the hustle and bustle of soaking up every moment of sun you can get. In the chaos of the visiting family, the road trips to Disney and Duluth, or just the sheer weight of visiting all of those farmers markets, Dark Dragon is our reminder to you to take those quiet, dark moments for yourself, be it at night or in the morning, to feed your soul and prepare for the day.