Whaddup Coffee People.
Bye bye 2022. As we close out this year, take some time to reflect on your personal and professional goals. What were you able to accomplish this year? Where did you struggle? What are you going to do differently in 2023? What habits are you trying to break, and what habits are you trying to build? Intentional planning and reflection will serve you year in and year out. You can only expect change when you’re working to make it.
Here at SCC, we’re thrilled with the progress we’ve made in 2021 and 2022. We’re in a place of strength as we turn into 2023. We’re looking to leverage the learning and strengths we’ve built over the last few years. As we get ready to tackle some big projects I wanted to first welcome two folks to new roles at SCC.
First, Juliana Dutcher is a Graphic Designer who started with us just a few weeks ago. Juliana is reporting to Angeline and will be an important part of our team as we look to expand our merchandise, product lines, and the methods by which we visually engage our customers.
Second, Elizabeth Stricker, who has been with us as a barista at the Factory, started as an Account Manager this week on our Customer Care team! We will be expanding our customer outreach and acquisition initiatives with this team in 2023 and we’re glad to have Elizabeth join Amy and Keegan as we #TakeRisks and build our wholesale business.
Now, on to some other bidness.
FEEDBACK & SPEAK-UPS – Thanks to all of you who either spoke up in the workshops or gave us feedback through the Employee Satisfaction survey. We’re in the process of working through all of these perspectives and taking commitments for the changes and adjustments we plan to implement. Even as we do that work, I wanted to remind you that the door is always open. We always want to listen and learn from the unique perspectives held across the company. Feel free to reach out to me or Eric directly, or email teams@stonecreekcoffee.com if you want to talk about an issue or an idea in person.
I also wanted to encourage you in a specific way – nothing is off limits when it comes to speaking up. If there is anything pertaining to your work, your tools, your team, your manager, etc that you feel could be improved we want to hear your thoughts. It’s not about being right or wrong, it’s about learning together. We will take the posture of a learner because we believe that opens up the potential for better connections and crafting a better future for all of us.
EMPLOYEE ORIGIN TRIPS – I just got back from Guatemala with a team of employees. (You can catch the first part of a recap video series I’m working on here: https://www.instagram.com/stonecreekcoffee/). We had a great time, and I look forward to taking another crew in February. I’ve mentioned before, because we did not travel for 2.5 years (COVID), we are a bit behind in getting qualified employees on trips. So, if you’re a full-timer who has been with us for 5 years or if your 5 year anniversary is coming up, just hang tight. I can only get 6 people on each trip due to transportation constraints, but I aim to have us all caught up by the end of the 2023-2024 harvest cycle. If you have any questions about your availability or the potential timeline of your trip, send me an email. I can provide clarity for you.
Also related to the trip, I know that there are employees who have been with us as part-timers for many years who don’t have plans to seek full-time employment but who plan to stay at SCC and would love to qualify for an origin trip. I wanted to let you know that I’m working on a path for part-time qualification as we aim to continue to bring greater equity in benefits between part-time and full-time employees.
OCONOMOWOC REMODEL – We’re “full-send” on the remodel. Our last day of operations prior to the work will be January 1st, 2023. We aim to reopen Thursday, February 16th. While the scope of work is similar to the Shorewood project from last summer, this space should still have a unique vibe and design aesthetic. We always aim to have our spaces be undeniably Stone Creek while letting them be their own place.
Alongside of the Oconomowoc project we’re also working to confirm the timeline for the addition of a bathroom in the Tosa Bluemound cafe. When we redid our lease a couple of years ago we negotiated to take a bit of space from Bruegger’s and build a bathroom. Then COVID happened. Now it’s time to make this happen. We hope to be able to schedule dates for this very soon. We’re also going to make some adjustments to the flooring in Delafield to remove some tripping hazards. We’re finalizing the exact timing here, but we’re going to have our flooring contractor do this at the same time as we do the OCN floors.
2 YEAR APRONS – In workshops I mentioned that we’d be giving really nice, cross-back, canvas aprons to employees who have been with us over 2 years and to future employees on their two year anniversary. These aprons have been ordered. I hope to have them in and embroidered by mid-January and distributed by February 1st. Employees are encouraged to wear these while working, but they are our gift to you, so use them as you see fit.
As we wrap up 2022, I hope these days are times of joy and peace. Spend time with people who care for you and treat you with love and respect. I look forward to the work ahead and the time together in 2023.
Drew P.
(940) 733-1414