Decaf Cream City is an example of the importance of inclusivity in the coffee line at Stone Creek Coffee. This version of Cream City ensures that even the most easily stimulated of coffee geeks get a great cup of coffee to sip slowly on.
Decaf Cream City is composed of natural processed coffee sourced from Cooperativa dos Cafeicultores e Agropecuáristas de Ibiraci (or COCAPIL) in Mogiana, Brazil. This coffee was decaffeinated using a Select Water process, which entirely relies on water to remove the caffeine from the green beans, and leaves it incredibly clean tasting. With magically decaffeinated notes of melon, cocoa, and caramel, this coffee is no illusion or sleight of hand.
Decaf Cream City exemplifies the most noble attributes of the coffee geek: Sweet, Clean, and Juicy. Grab some today and jumpstart your day or wind down and cuddle up to a good book. Magic will ensue.
#SweetCleanJuicy #DecafCreamCity #SelectWater